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John itzgerald has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Fundamental Roll (4/5.04/5.04/5.04/5.04/5.0)
One of Walter's best records, a close second place
Review written by John itzgerald from Peabody, MA, USA, January 22nd, 2005

This is a very good debut which features Lindsey and/or Stevie on all songs but one (the rocking "She's so tough" which is a good indication as to where some of Walter's later albums will lead him musically) There is even a picture on the inner sleeve of Walter with Stevie and Lindsey which is not usual for a guest appearance album! As for the songs, it starts out with a classic, almost Eagles style jangly rocker called "Only the lucky" featuring some irresistible guitar fills from Walter and Lindsey and it's amazing (and really sad) that this song could only manage to claw it's way to number 82 on the charts, it deserves more. I also love Stevie's dramatic input to the side one closer "Yes I guess I am". This album is slightly rougher sounding than "Not shy" but on the whole is very good and a close runner up to Walter's crowning achievement, the follow up to this album, "Not shy".