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Anaheim, California  Grove of Anaheim  October 17, 2011

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Hot in Anaheim

Written by Michele Oct 19, 2011 at 04:04 PM
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I just back home. It was a great show.

I think he just uses that introduction for NGBA so that when he arrives at the familiar start he can appreciate the ripple of sudden recognition and delight that flows through the audience. He gets a little smile then, as if to say, "I've teased you."

Before Big Love when he says how much time has passed he adds, "I was just talking about that with someone backstage. Those were crazy times. But we're still here. That's the thing. we're still here." Hmmm. I wonder who he was talking about that with backstage.

Before In Our Own Time, he says that the time opened up and he used it. "It was either that or play golf. Of course, golf might not have been a bad idea, now that I think about it." I wonder if Lindsey has ever played golf.

As I looked at him sawing up and down with his guitar, facing Brett across the keyboard that divided them, I got a little nostalgic, thinking of a certain accordian player he used to do that with. After the song ended Lindsey said, to the cheering crowd: "This is why we do this. People like you."

It was for SHN that the dam broke and people ran to the stage. After that, a portion of the crowd remained standing for the rest of the night.

When he introduced the band, someone yelled out something as he got to Neale. They must have said they wanted Neale to sing, because Lindsey turned to Heywood and asked if he wanted to sing something. Neale demurred. "Later." Lindsey playfully strummed a few notes for Neale the Crooner.

When he introduced Brett, he said putting their set together was more academic and "brainy" than it was doing it for Fleetwood Mac. Yeah, I guess in the sense that FM has more hit songs and sequence doesn't matter as much as far as keeping the momentum going. When more songs are more familiar to the audience, you have to think harder about keeping them engaged. I'm not sure braininess is required, but . . .

When Brett introduces "an American treasure, Lindsey Buckingham" I suddenly realize I'm at the wrong concert. That was certainly a downer.

Brett says that big machine or small machine, we'll take Lindsey any size we can get him and I'd definitely say that's true.
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