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Camden, NJ

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FM Hitting Their Stride

Written by Mike Jun 10, 2008 at 04:42 PM
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Well fellow fans--just got home from Camden & can't sleep yet. To say this show was anything short of "Fabulous" would be under-selling it. Sure, certain moments and emotions appeared "canned" or "contrived", but the REAL emotion and REAL feelings for each other shone through it all. The Mac was in top-notch form this evening in many ways. Just prior to Songbird, Christine advised us all that "we are really really enjoying this tour, and it's thanks to all of you for that---so this one we'd like to dedicate to you." (This was OUR 2nd dedication of the night, as Stevie had dedicated Landslide to US, too!) The feeling of "togetherness or closeness" was also very evident during the jam session at the end of "You Make Loving Fun".

The crowd of 20,000 to 25,000 was on its feet most of the evening and lovin' every minute of it. With a show of this length, it is unfair (and also impossible for a biased fan) to pick out "highlights". Several "small" items do stand out though. For instance, did anyone notice Lindsey walking on his knees with his legs crossed and his feet pointing front during the end of Mick's drum solo? They were having a BLAST!!! Lindsey and Mick's energy level was so high---it's easy to see that they are truly enjoying this reunion. Also, Stevie lost her place during Stand Back and actually missed a portion of the song while singing the chorus twice to cover up. Very professionally covered. I was watching Lindsey approach Christine at that point and they both grinned at each other and nodded as if to say "we can cover this". (I'll betcha less than 500 people picked it up)

Or how about at the end of Silver Springs when Lindsey said to the audience "there's a lotta history there--whew!" To all who have yet to see their shows, thus far the band appears to now be hitting their stride and having a DAMNED GOOD TIME in the process. Be assured that you will too!!!
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A Mega Fans Review

Written by Gail and Charlie Cahill Jun 10, 2008 at 04:40 PM
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This Mega Fan rated the concert B+. Having not seen this line up of Fleetwood Mac since 79/80, I got a chill when they walked on stage. They all sounded great! It was wonderful not only to see Lindsey, but also hear him sing and pick live again.

Stevie's voice was in good form; however, she did not smile a lot, she looked either sad or simply tired, she was extremely gracious and sincere, a number of times, thanking the fans for supporting the group in this reunion tour. Stevie was not very active on stage, "Rhiannon" was toned down a lot with her twirls, her energy level was not there. But she Rocked and Got Down on "Stand Back;" however, she did flub towards the end of the song as if she wasn't sure what words to continue her ranting with.

Chris looked great and sounded great. She made only two wardrobe changes with pants, jacket, boots. Stevie made a few changes and, of course, kept putting on different shawls and long chiffon jackets, one was absolutely stunning in reddish tones. John wore a scarf on his head, not a cap. Mick and Lindsey dressed as usual.

I rated this concert having watched The Dance Video a number of times and listening to the CD constantly since its release. Both of those I rated AA+ -- everyone should have both in their collections. This live version sound quality was excellent, not to mention that each member looked and sounded fabulous. After seeing The Mac 8 times, I never really thought I would see them again after '91, especially this line up, so I was thrilled to be there for my 9th last night. Unfortunately, I was disappointed in a few things and I base that solely on having watched and listen to The Dance prior to the concert.

First, "Not That Funny," still isn't! Definitely should have been lost from the set their last time out. Most say that they don't like the song, especially live. I never have. Lindsey certainly has enough other songs to choose from. He does a mean "Oh Well" or "Don't Let Me Down Again" or even "Monday Morning," etc. This song showcased Mick on his electronic pad drums. I happen to have enjoyed this during "World Turning" days.

Christine, of course, was Perfect. Did anyone get that? But, I must say that both "Say You Love Me" and "You Make Loving Fun" were only OK. The group definitely changed, not the music, but the way the chorus' were sung. Seemed in a flater key. More on the later song. Sorry I can't be more articulate with explaining voice changes with these songs compared to The Dance versions. Where Stevie sang 8 songs, Chris did 7. "Oh Daddy" was a treat, but I would have loved to hear "Over My Head" again live. Chris sounded superb on all songs! However, Chris 3 times during the night thanked Philadelphia. 3 times and no one corrected her. Sorry Chris, I may have ground up in Philly, but you were across the river in Southern New Jersey!!!. If the band does come back for November 29th at Philly's CoreStates Center (not confirmed!), then I hope you will thank New Jersey at that time. I'm there for number 10!

Stevie, well what can I say? She really looks and sounds absolutely great and I hope this tour, which seems to be adding dates left and right, does not take a toll on her. Every song was wonderful, especially "Silver Springs" which is what I was waiting for and have been waiting for the last 20 years. I own a few original copies of the song and when I meet Stevie back in '81 I asked her why the band did not perform the song in concert and she responded that they tried it in Kansas City once and it did not go over very well. I can't understand that after hearing it on The Dance and, of course, last night LIVE. Stevie really did a great job with it. To this day I wonder why the band, or maybe just Lindsey, made the decision to put "I Don't Want To Know" on the Rumours album instead of "Silver Spring" -- maybe at the time it was simply Stevie's words. I love "I Don't Want To Know," but "Silver Springs" is certainly a special song and I believe would have made #1 on the charts if it was placed on Rumours. I understand that Stevie was upset about that. Well, I'm right there with you sister! By the way, "Sister Of The Moon" would have been a real treat to hear.

Stevie was talking to Lindsey a lot, especially right before Landslide and right towards the end of the song. It seems she had a problem with something. At the end of "Silver Springs," Lindsey was standing behind Stevie on stage and at the end of the song, Stevie completely turned her back to the audience and sang directly to Lindsey..."never get away...from the sound of her voice". They hugged and kissed once more at the end of "Landslide" and Lindsey again kissed her hand at the end of the evening. Lindsey let Stevie have the stage on "Stand Back", he was a bit playful with Christine. Stevie got down on this song, of course, she rocked the house! I have to be honest that the audience stood up more when Stevie's songs came up then anyone else. I hope Lindsey can deal with it this time out, she really does deserve her success. She made it on her own with solo projects. Stevie was great on> "Sweet Girl" and "Gypsy".

Lindsey, well I always thought you were the best guitar player ever! You do some mean picking. I have enjoyed your solo projects, especially "Out Of The Cradle" and I wish he got more play time from that album. Some great songs there and I had hoped he would do one, but I love the new versions of "Big Love" and "Go Insane". "Second Hand News" Rocked! Lindsey sang 9 songs.

After 30 years, to Mick and John, you're the best! Still hard-working rock-n-rollers. THANK YOU!

The group songs of "The Chain" AND "Farmer's Daughter" were awesome. The best beginning and the best end to "An Evening with Fleetwood Mac."

To diehard fans and future ticket holders -- ENJOY THE SHOW!

Gail M. Cahill Sicklerville, New Jersey
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My First Concert

Written by Janet Strayer Jun 10, 2008 at 04:37 PM
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This was my first concert ever--in my short 19 years of life. How lucky am I to be here. People all around -some shaking with anticipation-or is that the weed--no matter--all here for one reason--to see five people sing the songs we love the way we love to hear them.

After a few false starts--they did come out--the chimes going--the light getting brighter--the crowd screaming in disbelief and pure joy--bung bung bung--the Chain stars--everyone clapping that slow, heavy beat--then Christine, Stevie and Lindsey start to sing--so beautiful. Lindsey was on fire--all night--he was charged--and it started with song #1 the Chain and it did not stop until the last song-Farmers Daughter. Christine was perfect--never a note off key. John got the crowd going with his bass-as he always does. And Stevie spinning around -nothing got us more excited--she's our gypsy. And they are our gods.

The stage was great--all the colors--and the light would brighten with each drum beat--aaahhh it was perfect. Highlights--well that's the whole concert--but the ones that stood out to me was Stevie's Stand Back--everyone went wild--she missed a couple of lines--but she was a little shaken--I believe it was because she could not believe she was out there with her "family" be so loved by us-the fans. Landslide--she dedicated it to us because we wanted it:) And of course she went up to Lindsey and hugged him-- Gold Dust Woman--I screamed oh my God and jumped--I wanted to see her shake her fist and get down--and she did--then spun around as the lights turned red then black--ooohhh. Mick's drum solo---it was amazing--he danced around so freely--so carefree--then Lindsey was on the ground-slinking around like a snake--they were two kids rehearsing alone in their bedroom---but two pretty talented kids--never had we seen such joy. Big love--a favorite of mine---he screamed, yelled, sweated and played his heart out and we clapped and yelled our hearts out. The encores--we screamed MORE and we got Don't Stop--we sang with them. Songbird everyone put up their lighters as she flawlessly sang this beautiful song. Then Farmers Daughter--perfect ending--everyone was like-that was beautiful. Stevie came up and said--we really have to go now-they bowed and left. Its over?? We wanted more but they had to go. 2 hours of pure heaven. Christine said hi to Philadelphia a lot---are we her favorite??? I'm sure in California the band will come out for Tusk and it'll be more hype--but here in Philly--we are a bit more raw--and seeing the five people we love come together and sing for US--well--that's enough for a lifetime--or until the next concert--I'm already to pay my 500 dollars for front row---we know they got a few more years left.

In short-the night rocked. The air was cool and clear and breeze swept through us on a number of occasions. Its so cool to be with 20,000 other people who are there for there for the same reason you are. It was the best. It was perfect. It was Fleetwood Mac--need I say more??
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