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Denver, CO

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McNichols Arena Concert

Written by Tom Hartung Jun 11, 2008 at 01:08 PM
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful

To get an idea as to what it sounded like, listen to their new disk, "The Dance," and imagine longer jams, and add an extended drum solo and a few solo songs (eg. Gold Dust Woman by Stevie and one by Christine I've never heard).

To be more specific, the show must've sold out, McNichols was packed. They played for over two hours and did three encores. They had a extra guitar player and a keyboard and guitar player (from Denver) in the shadows to the left of Mick, and a congo player and two female backup singers in the shadows to the right of Mick.

: Did'ja get Sandy Mary???

Sorry, no songs from the pre-Buckingham-Nicks-era F. Mac. Oh Well, if you want to hear some of that, invite yourself over to my place sometime, and you'll probably hear some whether you like it or not.

: how were the $70 seats?

They were nice (thanks again, Vann!). Fortunately we were not bombarded with beer, trash, ciggies, etc. from the obviously jealous fans seated above us (as were some of those sitting near us). Apparently Road Rage is spreading to the concert venues. For a show with a well-behaved crowd, I recommend the Mercury Cafe on Thursday nights.

Stevie was dressed like the fans who imitate her style of dressing. She changed her shawl during Lindsey's solo bit, from a light-colored one to a darker-colored one. She really is a beautiful woman, and like other beautiful women she obviously knows it, and that of course makes her a bit of a showoff, and that in turn somehow tends to spoil it all, at least for me. All this time I thought that MTV slowed down her pirouettes. Either she's always done them in slo-mo, or she's getting old.

Me, I admire humility, and recently my admiration of Christine has increased dramatically. This is no doubt due to listening to "The Dance" along with a couple newly-acquired oldies ("Bare Trees" and "Mystery to Me"). Christine must be one of the most consistent songwriters in the history of Rock'n'Roll -- *all* of her songs are very, very nice. Now why couldn't they dust off one of her tunes from the Bob Welch-era F. Mac? None of the fans of their newer music would know the difference, and fans of their older music would be delighted to hear something from the early '70's. Why they can't do that is definitely a Mystery to Me!

Mick was the one making the fashion statement, in a poufy white shirt (ala. that Seinfeld episode), black vest and knickers, with red shoes completing the ensemble. This guy must be old, back in 1967 he was kicked out of John Mayall's group for "excessive drunkeness," and he's admitted to "abusing myself with cocaine." Keef [sic] Richards ain't got nothin' on Mick F. (Yeah, right, Keef conjuring up enough guts to wear knickers, and prance around on stage beating on the synth drums in his vest, yeah, sure, that'll be the day.)

In case you missed it, John Mayall played recently up at Little Bear. That's what he gets for kicking drunks out of his band. Hey, let's all go out and get drunk!
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More Than I Ever Hoped For

Written by Lauren Leichter Jun 11, 2008 at 01:07 PM
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful

Wow!! I don't know where to start!! Well, let me start from the beginning! Let me also say I am a HUGE Lindsey fan, so will mention all the Lindsey points I noticed of course.

I went with my friend Sallie to the show here in Denver, Colorado at McNichols Arena (nicknamed Big Mac, quite appropriately!). We got there early and had to wait outside for a bit for them to open the doors and it was cold, but it didn't bug me, I was sooo excited!! We got in at 7:30 (the show was to start at 8:30) and I went and got a tshirt. I wanted the one with Lindsey and Stevie hugging, but the one that really stood out for me was the white Dance one and I loved it with the songs on the back and I was glad to see a white tshirt finally! I couldn't decide between that one and one of the tour ones , but wanted a recent pix of Lindsey, so got the Dance one. Ok, so got that and we went to go to our seats and Sallie gasped as we were looking down to our seats near the stage and how close they were. I have NEVER in my life been that close. I couldn't believe it even as we sat.

We were in the 3rd row, the 2 aisle seats near center on Christine's side, but McNichols is sooo small that we were close to all of them. I could see Stevie almost right in front of me and Lindsey not too much farther, he was over the center section, not the right. Great seats! Anyway, before it started these 2 security guards were flirting with Sallie and I, haha, and we were talking to them about security (it's tight, no going NEAR the stage) etc. and glad we befriended them cause whenever I got in the aisle they didn't make me go back to my seat but they made all these other people go back, haha!

We waited and waited and several false alarms and screams were had and about 9PM the lights went out and we heard the infamous crickets!! We all stood up and I was looking to the right for them to come out. First came Chris, Mick and John to the left. Then to the right came Stevie and Lindsey holding hands. The lights were not on them yet, but I could see them and knew the moment had arrived. The audience went nuts to the Chain. Perfect! They all looked so incredible!! Stevie is gorgeous, her jewelry was gorgeous too and her hair had gold dust or something in it. She wore black and had on those yellow-cream platform shoes she had on the cover of RS. Christine is beautiful, had a red velvet jacket and black velvet pants. John, same outfit as Dance and Mick had a velvet little outfit on with those dingle balls and tights, what a character! Lindsey had the black pants and black top unbuttoned (hee hee) on and, well.....he's even more handsome in person!! And so charismatic!! The Chain was followed by Dreams and again, the crowd went nuts. Then Everywhere. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the show, even Fleetwood Mac! Lot's of smiles and nods of affection between them. Lindsey seemed to be having the time of his life. He smiled at Stevie and the audience so much I couldn't believe it! I can't remember the entire song order after this, but here goes!

Let me interrupt this point the guy in front of us decided to smoke a big old joint. So by no choice of our own, Sallie and I were probably stoned through the whole show too, haha, but I was having too much fun and didn't really care.

Gold Dust Woman! Gorgeous shawl that Stevie had on of gold and stones. Just beautiful. She really does shine. Lindsey's guitar playing was awesome. The song seemed so short though, but everyone went wild at the end when she twirled and she seemed to stand with her back to us to Mick's drums for what seemed like an eternity at the end. Lindsey really enjoys watching her in this song.

I'm So Afraid. What can I say. Incredible. BETTER than the Dance. 10 times better if that's possible. You have to see this song live. He got a standing ovation halfway through and was playing at the edge of the stage at the was amazing. When he was done we were all clapping and shouting. I put two hands up and smiled and he nodded a thank you my way (first thing he did that made my night!). Let me interrupt here and say I was right in his view whenever he turned to the right, like when Stevie was singing, etc. And we all stood thru the whole thing so I was easy to see and on the aisle! songs.....Temporary One and Bleed to Love Her. Both great. Lindsey did his little speech, but no organic or weird stuff. He got a large amount of applause for it. He sang Bleed to Love her to both Chris and Stevie. His voice was perfect! That is my fave song on the Dance of his.

Gypsy was incredible, everyone got up and danced to that one. Lindsey kept wiping sweat off him during that song at the beginning and before starting the guitar and he was playfully looking at Stevie and smiling. Very cute!! Her turns were great. Beautiful song, one of the best guitar songs too, especially at the end.

Big Love and Go Insane were incredible, as I knew they would be. Lindsey got standing ovations for both and after Big Love the applause would not stop and he was trying to recite his poem for Go Insane and he started to giggle since everytime he'd try to talk, the applause got louder. He finally got through it.

Landslide was great! Stevie dedicated it to her friend Debbie in Denver and told us that she wrote the song here in Colorado! Also, during the song, when she holds her part at the end "snow covered......" Lindsey was making faces at the audience to keep applauding louder and louder and we kept doing it so she couldn't finish and we were all laughing and she turned to look at him and he made this sweet face and then she finished "hills". Then of course they hugged. I didn't see them as being really intimate through the show at all, but very close friends. Very sweet hug and you can tell they really care about each other.

Say You Love Me, was great! I kept expecting the slow motion camera during the one part! Very nice and everyone in the crowd went nuts to this and to You Make Loving Fun. Those were real big dancing songs. John's bass in You Make Loving Fun combined with Lindsey's guitar is just incredible live. I was in disbelief.

My Little Demon was great, but here is where Lindsey's voice didn't seem to be able to get to the range he did on the Dance. Stevie kept looking at him in the beginning to see if something was wrong and I was worried! But he got through it fine, just sounded a bit strained, but only on that song. I think it must be the notes are hard for him with his throat still. Sweet Girl was great too but Stevie slowed part of it down some so it's a bit different now. But everyone seemed to like it.

Not sure when these next few songs came on, but will mention them here. Stand Back!! Everyone went nuts!! Lindsey and John switched sides of the stage and I was thrilled as Lindsey was right in front of me and smiled and nodded when I waved! He was talking to Christine the whole time and making cute faces at her. They had strobe lights zooming back and forth too. It really rocked. Not that Funny was great! I had forgotten about this song so was surprised when it came on as I was not sure what it was. I do like the live version better that Lindsey used to do, but this was wonderful! His voice was PERFECT in it too! After Lindsey sang his part he tried to look real tired, like a rag doll and kept swaying back and forth....then he went and laid down on the right. A security guard went over and asked him if he was ok, haha!!! Then Mick got nuts with his drums and drum pads and came out and got the audience wild with his antics!! He's a riot to watch! He had us all going nuts! Then I saw Lindsey get up towards the end and grab his guitar and he and Mick finished the song. It was great. Second Hand of my faves and I was waiting for this one! Everyone went nuts! Lindsey basically sang it to Stevie and they made sweet faces to each other. Very nice.

Rhiannon! Wow!! Stevie came out in red during this one!! It was incredible. Her voice is just beautiful. This is my good luck song as I won my tickets by being the first caller to this song but it gets better!! During the part when Stevie was singing the verse "say would you even try" and Lindsey was playing he looked my way again and I smiled and he nodded and smiled to me a huge smile then he was late getting to the mike to sing the Rhiannon verse haha!!!!! I nearly died!! Everyone went nuts at the end of this one too.

Silver Springs....great song!! Crowd went crazy when it started and Stevie really just looked at the audience the whole time while she was singing and not Lindsey - only during the end did she look at him. Ok, here's the funny part that happened to me that I will never forget!! (Lindsey you are a doll!). During the part "you'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you" Lindsey was looking my way and I was singing along to those words and our eyes locked for a moment and he gave me that "oh really" nod and smile and I shook my head while smiling as if to say "no" (kinda serious kinda sarcastically) and he started to laugh and then so did I!!! I was dying. Then at this point Stevie was looking at him since she was singing her ending to the song so he started to look back at her. But he seemed amused by the song, not threatened by it. Then he went over to her right before the song ended and went up to her and she stopped short of the last line and he put his forehead to hers and kissed her and she finished the song. Then they hugged! Very cute ending!! But I will NEVER forget my Lindsey moment there!!!

Go Your Own Way rocked!!! My fave of all their songs!! It was incredible. What can I say!! Lindsey was real cute and looked at Stevie during "baby if I could, I'd give you my world" and then after that he said to her something away from the mike, like "yes, I would" or something like that! It was sooo very cute! I thought, how sweet and his guitar on this again, just amazing. After this they left the stage. When they came back, Stevie and Lindsey were holding hands. He's such a gentleman.

Don't Stop!! Awesome! Everyone went nuts!! Again, I got another Lindsey moment here when he sang "yesterday's gone" I got another smile and nod!! That was my last one of the night (sniff). But it was enough for me, believe me!

Songbird was beautiful and Chris was at her baby grand on that. I loved when she said "Goodnight Denver, we love ya"! So nice. And then they all came out for Farmer's Daughter which I always liked but never loved and this was just perfect. I love it now. Their voices were in great harmony and they looked like they were having so much fun there. Then they all said goodbye. We all waved. I got tears in my eyes when Mick thanked us and told us to be nice to each other and to be happy. Thanks Fleetwood Mac, you are more than I ever hoped for! And thank you Lindsey for the smiles, you'll never know how much that meant to me!
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