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Moline, IL

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Concert Review

Written by Angela Jun 17, 2008 at 12:34 PM
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

My name is Angela. I am fourteen and attended the show with my mom, thirty four.

They used the same set list as all the other concerts in the reviews, except for "Eyes of The World". They played "Second Hand News" instead. I thought that Stevie looked really good, and she sang very well. The other band members are looking very good also.

The show started a little late, and the crowd was yelling for them to come out. Finally, they did. They started out with "The Chain", and it sounded as good as ever. The crowd was going wild after that. Next was "Dreams". The song sounded great, except for the minor mess up in the second verse. When Stevie was supposed to sing "It's only me who wants to wrap around your dreams and.....", she sang the first verse instead. But Stevie kept on going, and the crowd kept on loving every minute of it.

Next came Tango in The Night Ablum's "Everywhere", followed by "Gold Dust Woman". Stevie changed into a gold cape for that song. My mom's favorite song by Lindsey, "I'm So Afraid" came by after that. It was a jam. I normally don't enjoy a long guitar part, but this one jammed!

Christine's "Temporary One" followed that, everyone singing the chorus in unison. It was a very good song. Lindsay's new song, "Bleed to Love Her" came after that. Lindsay was on stage all by his lonesome, and also for "Big Love". I liked the new version of this song better. And then came song where you see your "Gypsy". I personally liked the old version better, although both are very good. "Go Insane" was next, and then Stevie came back on stage with "Landslide". Stevie had blowdried her hair when she came back on, even though I thought that it looked ok before.

Next came Stevie's new "Sweet Girl", sounding very good. I like this song. I wonder when her new solo is going to come out? The old, but still rocking, "You Make Loving Fun" song was next, then followed by "Stand Back" I was really suprised that they did this song, but I think it was sounding really cool. They put some checkered lights on the stage. It was awesome. Next was a song that I haven't heard for such a long time. "Oh Daddy". And then, probably the funniest part of the concert, "Not That Funny". They all started on stage, but then Christine, John, Stevie, and Lindsay left, leaving Mick on stage with his little drum part. He was walking across the stage with some bongos. I think he was trying to hype up the crowd. It sure worked. Lindsay came back on stage, and Mick started playing an air guitar, mockin Lindsay. Lindsay chased Mick across the stage, and finally he fell on the floor and put one of Stevie's shawls on his face. Then the rest of the band came back on stage and finished the end of the song. It was jamming! Lindsay even broke one of his guitar strings off his guitar! But he kept on playing. I'm not quite sure when they played "Rhiannon" or "Second Hand News", but those songs both rocked. I like the new version of "Rhiannon". "Silver Springs" came next. I thought it was almost as good as the ablum version. "Tusk" came next, but it wasnt the same without the marching band. Then came the auidience's chance to sing in "Go Your Own Way". Everyone was singing along to the chorus. They were also singing along to "Don't Stop". The band left inbetween those songs, and some people were leaving untill Christine came back out to sing her "Songbird".

Their last song was "Farmer's Daughter". I was suprised that they sang this song also, but my mom knew that they were going to.

I hope I haven't forgotten any major details. Stevie had and Ace Bandage on her hand. My mom thought that it might be from playing the tambourine to hard! There are also shirts for sale, keychains, and hats, but no tour books. My mom was dissapointed about that, and so were some other people. And at the end of the concert, my mom took one of those posters off the wall. I was suprised, but she said somebody else would have done it, right? Right. We are also looking forward to getting our CDs in the mail. That is about it. E-mail me, or my mom, if you would like to talk about the concert.
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Written by Joel Kolsrud Jun 17, 2008 at 12:31 PM
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

I've been a fan of FM ever since Stevie's Bella Donna album (which led me to FM) and seeing them live was something I didn't think possible. But last night at The Mark Of The Quad-Cities in Moline, IL will forever go down as my ultimate dream come true. I had a 4th row seat on the end on Lindsey's side. A perfect view. I was actually surprised to see a lot of people in their 20s (like me), but there was a fair mix of the younger/older crowd. The 7:30 p.m. start time turned into 8:05 p.m., but noone seemed to notice. The Mark holds upward of 11,000-12,000 people, making it the smallest venue the band will play on the tour, but some of the thunderous ovations that were heard made me wonder at times if there weren't 20,000 in there.

They played the same song list as everywhere else and to me the two and a half hour show went way too fast. This show totally exhausted me from every standpoint. My hands, legs and throat are still sore from clapping, yelling and stomping the entire time. The stage didn't seem too elaborate, but with almost a dozen people on stage, there really wasn't room for anything else. Everyone wore the same outfits listed in other reviews, although John wore a ball cap instead of a bandana.

Onto the show...I had just started to come in from the concession stand when the lights went down and the crickets started. A chill ran through me. The moment I've waited fifteen years for, was about fifteen seconds away. Mick, Christine and John came out first. Lindsey and Stevie, holding hands, them came on.

"The Chain" was everything that I thought it would be. John McVie's bass solo was crunching! Everything was right on and they received a thunderous ovation for this one. WOW!

"Dreams" is such a pretty song. Stevie and Lindsey traded glances a few times. The harmonies were right on. The backup singers sure add a lot to the songs. Very complete.

Christine said, "Hello, Moline!" and then went on to introduce a "more recent song, from ten years ago or so." Funny. This was the intro to "Everywhere" which, much to my surprise, received a very good reaction, considering it wasn't the hit on the album like Little Lies was. She is absolutely gorgeous. Her looks and her voice are like identical twins, so to speak.

"Gold Dust Woman" received an incredible ovation. The light show, along with Stevie's twirling were mesmerizing. Her yells got lots of cheers as well. At the end she asked, "Did someone say something about Gold Dust?". The crowd, still on their feet since the open, gave her a tremendous applause.

"I'm So Afraid" is my favorite FM song that is Lindsey's. Of course, at this time, everyone started sitting down, much to my dismay. To hear this song live goes without saying. It's the equivalent of turning a bulldog loose. Stevie stayed on stage until the final solo, whereas The Colonel escorted her off. This totally blew away the Dance version, or any other version for that matter. He played with a frenzy and just when you think it can't go beyond the extreme-suddenly it does. Towards the end, along with a lot of others yelling, clapping and whistling, I just couldn't sit anymore and stood up yelling and clapping myself. About this time, so did everyone else. I had big time chills for this and Lindsey received the deserved standing ovation after. Truly unbelievable. The highlight of any concert I've ever attended.

Christine announced the first new song, "Temporary One" which sounded even more wonderful live. Boy, Mick's bass drum has a thundering boom to it! It about kicked a hole right through me. Speaking of the sound mix, unlike a few other reviews, the mix here was top notch.

Lindsey talked of the reconvening and then intro'd "Bleed To Love Her". He is truly amazing to watch. This song was no exception.

"Gypsy" was a real treat. One of my favorite Stevie songs. It was here that I noticed Stevie not smiling as much. She seemed to be enjoying herself, though. She would thank the audience for their applause and smile back, just not as much during the songs themselves.

Lindsey started talking about cycles, although the crowd was so loud after the previous song that it was hard to hear what he was saying. Thank God for the reviews! "Big Love" in the acoustic form is so much more intense (especially live) than the studio version. WOW!

"Go Insane" started with the speech. This song has such a dark undertone to it that is gives me chills to hear it, not to mention being only ten feet away. These two Lindsey acoustic gems showed just how underrated Lindsey is in the business. His finger picking style, second to none, is beyond words when watching him live. Not to mention the intensity he puts out in each and every song. He was having a blast, lots of looks and smiles to those on stage and off. A very underrated musician in the highest regard.

"Landslide" was very moving. Stevie and Lindsey were only a few feet apart and this was the only song where it seemed there was a genuine emotion towards each other. Her voice was so smooth and yet cut through at the end. A major moment at the show.

"Say You Love Me" sounded just as good in the new format as ever. Mick was having so much fun I was seriously wondering if he had his smile permanently fixed to his face. Ditto Lindsey. Unlike the video, John stood on the other side of Christine, instead of between her and Stevie. Couldn't distinctly hear his voice, though.

"Sweet Girl" is my favorite of the new batch of songs. Reminds me of her 70s hits on the FM/Rumours albums. Great!

"You Make Loving Fun" got the next great ovation. I liked this a lot better than the video also. Christine's voice is dazzling, to say the least.

Lindsey talked of his demons, but then said they were Mick's and then "My Little Demon" was played. Another great song.

"Stand Back" surprised a lot of people. It shouldn't have as they had the entire set list in the paper prior to the show. But boy did the people dance! She seemed more into this song than the others prior to this. I failed to mention her outfit changes which were simply different shawls being worn. This reminded me of her 80s days with the outfit she wore for the song. What fun!

"Oh, Daddy" had a weird melancholy feeling to it. It was almost as if this song was out of place in the song list. And it probably was, but it was wonderful!

"Not That Funny" proved what real showmen Lindsey and Mick really are. It was their playing ability conveyed into theatrics. What a drum solo! And Lindsey! These two are nuts!

"Rhiannon" was the real show stopper of the night. I believe everyone seemed to have come to see Stevie sing this one. The thunderous ovation was deafening after. A classic to be sure.

"Second Hand News" was over before it started. I didn't realize what a short song it was.

"Silver Springs", the one song I anticipated throughout the night, was a couple of notches below the video. The customary exchanged glances were there, but without intensity. At the end, with Lindsey directly in front of her (to the point I was waiting for them to kiss) she said, "You could be my silver spring..." and the crowd reacted accordingly. Kind of disappointing, though. Stevie looked tired, even at this point.

"Tusk" roared. As most everyone else has pointed out, without the marching band, the song loses some of its lustre. Neat to hear, since Tusk is my favorite FM album.

"Go Your Own Way" was a dance hall party. It was like 11,000 kernels of popcorn popping all at once. WOW! A great way to close the show. And, NOOONE WAS LEAVING.

Lindsey, as in the open, led Stevie to the stage by her hand. "Don't Stop" tore the house down. They all bowed for the second time as they left.

Then a spotlight hit the baby grand area where Christine was and another huge ovation ensued as she introduced "Songbird". I actually had goose bumps listening to this one. This song could bring almost anyone to tears. Real moving.

"The Farmer's Daughter" was great. I'm not sure, but it seemed as though most hadn't heard of it. A perfect way to close the show, however. I am of the opinion that they could have played another two hours. Wished they would have. WOW!

In all, I had the time of my life. I'll never, ever forget this night, one that I never though I would ever see in any lifetime. I only wish the tour was continuing as the is probably the first, last and only time I will ever see this lineup.
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