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Orlando, FL

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Good Night in Orlando

Written by Thom Abeles Jun 17, 2008 at 11:58 AM
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The evening started with six of my closest friends and family having a great dinner at Outback Steakhouse. We arrived at the O-Rena at about 6:45pm (the show was scheduled to start at 7:30, so I knew not to be in much of a hurry). We all milled around on the main concourse checking out all the people, and of course grabbed a couple of $4 beers. There sure were a lot of Stevie 'wannabes' and 'look-a-likes'....I was amazed, and might I add very pleased.

We made it to our seats at about 7:35, looking around there were a lot of empty seats yet, so I went back out to get a T-shirt. Our seats were on the first level 10 rows from the floor, 15 rows back from the stage...AWESOME SEATS. Two days before the concert they opened another 'Block' of seats behind the stage, this show was SOLD OUT. The lights in the O-Rena dimmed half-way at about 8:15 and the crickets started chirping, a couple minutes later the lights went all the way down...Mick was the first to walk out on stage and did his little twist on one leg, holding his drum sticks in the air....everyone was going wild, next John and Chris, then Stevie and Lindsey.

I think maybe the tour might be taking a little toll on Stevie and Lindsey both as it took them awhile to get into the 'groove'. They both seemed to look a little tired and did not make much eye contact with each other at first...that would soon change and fade.

The sound in the O-Rena was a bit muffled on the offset of The Chain and Dreams. I really think this is because the sound system might be more geared to outdoor venues and the fact that the engineer is more used to settings for outside. Putting that aside I realized that we were in for one awesome show.

EVERYWHERE-Chris was sounding great and looking great. Her voice is incredible.

GOLD DUST WOMAN-Stevie started to get into the groove in this song. The screaming part at the end was awesome, she really let loose. She did like twenty twirls at the end of the song.

I'M SO AFRAID-Lindsey wailed on this song, both on the vocals and the guitar. The sound mix on this was awesome.

TEMPORARY ONE-I love this song...Chris puts it so simply 'And the bridge will bring us back together'.

BTLH-Lindsey changed his 'getting back together' speech by saying 'An accident' instead of 'An organic thing'. Another great new song. Stevie really seemed to be getting into this song, more so then the video.

SWEET GIRL-They moved this song up. I looked around and I seemed to be the only one singing along with Stevie. This is probably my fave on The Dance.

GYPSY-The crowd went nuts with this one, and Stevie really played to the crowd. Her and Lindsey seemed to make a lot of contact with the people close to the stage...that gave me a very warm feeling.

BIG LOVE & GO INSANE-GREAT guitar work. LB's poem was awesome...just wish I could remember it. These two and ISA were highlights for me.

LANDSLIDE-Stevie dedicated it to one of her best friends Mary, who moved to Orlando from 'God knows where, New York or someplace'. Stevie and Lindsey hugged before and after the song.

I'll shorten this up a little now, I know I'm rambling.

MY LITTLE DEMON & STAND BACK-They rocked. LB had the same speech before MLD. Stevie was fantastic on Stand Back, at the end she was really getting into 'Take me home...Take me home'. She can absolutely control a crowd.

OH DADDY-This song is so great live, much different then the studio version.

NOT THAT FUNNY-WOOOOWWWWWWWW!!! Everyone left the stage one by one, first Stevie, then Chris, then John. LB went to his side of the stage and laid down. Mick...what can I say HE'S MAD I TELL YOU....MAAADDDDDDDD! First the drum solo then the vest solo, it seems LB has a headset mic on and is making weird sounds. at the end of the vest solo Lindsey comes over to Chris's side of the stage where Mick is and they both start jamming, first Mick beats on the vest while moving towards Lindsey, and Lindsey is backing up. Then Lindsey jams moving towards Mick backing him up. That went on for a few minutes all around the stage. Awesome song live!

SECOND HAND NEWS-After Rhiannon, Stevie was over by Mindy and Sharon when the song started, she had to run across the stage to grab her tambourine. Her and Lindsey sang the song to each other, which was interesting.

Lindsey had made a little statement that they are all 'Very, very happy about how this whole project has turned out'

SILVER SPRINGS-What an incredibly powerful ending, the video does not do this song justice. Stevie was screaming 'You'll never get away' about five times. Lindsey walks over to Stevie and she puts her hand on his cheek and sings the end real softly to him. Yeah, I think this is all an act, however, I was looking through the binocs and after the end of the song they where talking to each other (I don't read lips) and smiling. They are definitely still good friends.

GYOW-Jammed, Lindsey was a madman. The funniest thing was he walked to the edge of the stage directly over a security guard during his solo, got down real low, I swear it looked like he was tapping the guy in the back of the head with the body of his guitar. Stevie walked around the stage mouthing the words along with LB.

SONGBIRD-This song is so beautiful live, Chris's vocals are impeccable.

FARMERS DAUGHTER-Fitting end for a perfect night, the harmonies were fantastic.

The lighting was perfect, it didn't take attention away from the band but added enough highlights to their music to make a great visual experience. Mick's final words summed up the whole reunion - 'Be kind to one another, be happy, and smile, good night Orlando'
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Written by Nicole H. Jun 17, 2008 at 11:56 AM
0 of 0 people found the following review helpful

I went to the concert at the Orlando O-rena on November 9th. I'd have to say it truly rocked! I'm not really good at remembering specifics but here's what truly stuck out in my mind. The band was over an hour late but it didn't really seem to matter to any of the people watching. We were all too excited to care! The first song was The Chain of course and John's bass solo was awesome. I was watching with binoculars and Lindsey was really getting into the song. I guess one of the coolest things was Silver Springs. Everyone cheered when they realized what song it was. As usual Stevie sang to Lindsey and Lindsey sang to Stevie, but before the very last line Stevie paused as Lindsey was slow inching towards her. He walked all the way to like an inch in front of her face and looking through the binoculars it almost looked like she was scared! But after like a 30 seconds pause he waved his hand as if for her to keep going. She finished the song and at the end they hugged and kissed. Landslide was also pretty memorable. Stevie dedicated it to some woman but I forget who it was. At the end of that Stevie and Lindsey hugged and kissed again. Actually throughout the whole show they made a point of going to each other after most of the songs! In one part after a song they were talking to each other for a few minutes and then did the little hug/kiss routine. They're so cute together! :) At the end they pretended like they were going to leave (like always) and some people actually left. However I've watched Fleetwood Mac concerts on video before so I knew how it went. I stayed there and sure enough they came back out with Don't Stop. The whole crowd was standing up and clapping throughout the whole song. After that they left again and this time we actually thought it was the end. But they came out again and Christine sang Songbird. Then they all came out and sang some song (it was totally harmony, anyone have any clue what it might be? ) but I had never heard it before. All in all the show was really cool! We sat all the way across the O-rena from them but we were only a few rows up on Lower Bowl. Our seats were awesome! I would definitely recommend the more expensive seats because they are well worth the price. Also I have no idea what it would sound like outdoors but indoors it sounds great :).
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