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bluesrecords_at_hotmail.com has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

History Of British Blues (5/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.0)
The best comprehensive collection of British Blues
Review written by bluesrecords_at_hotmail.com from Connecticut, December 22nd, 2004

This album was one heck of a find for me - It was one I listened to a lot (and still do) . An album that peaked my curiousty and had me seeking out more early and sometimes out-of-print British blues albums here in the US during the mid 1970s. Fleetwood Mac's version of Otis Rush's Homework is awesome and Mike Vernon did one heck of a job putting this double album together. I wish someone would remaster this album for CD - it is excellent.