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Midnight Wind has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Trouble In Shangri-La (5/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.0)
Dreams reocure in my solitude...
Review written by Midnight Wind (midnightwind@fleetwoodmac.net) from Michigan, August 20th, 2004

This album drips with pure emotion. Stevie cries "Can you write this for me?" And a Stones-ish guitar backs as the reply comes "No! You write your songs yourself!" This seems to come from a conversation with Ton Petty (on booklet) Miss You confuses me. I wonder who it's about. I think it could be Lindsey, as a friendly gesture, or Tom in the same way. "I remember him He was very young" Lindsey? Stevie only knows! If you plan on buying only one Stevie CD, buy Trouble in Shangri La.