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Joseph Moss has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Perfect Stranger (5/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.0)
Robbie Rocks All On His Own
Review written by Joseph Moss (daraktos@yahoo.ca), May 1st, 2005

I found this long deleted long player at Everyday Music in Portland, Oregon for a whopping sum of $2.99. Being a Journey anorak, I knew right off who he was- I thought the demo he did with Journey showed an enormous amount of vocal promise. So I, quite naturally, made this one of my many purchases from this fine record store(shameless plug). I probably purchased 60-70 albums on this trip, and when I got home, it was the first one on my turntable. His version of "all for you", a throwaway love song that Journey couldn't be hurt by pitching to the wind, receives fine treatment here, with a guest solo by Schon. Quite a number of allstar session guys appear on this album, with Andy Newmark, Will Lee (Letterman) and Roger Linn on drums, bass and guitar, respectively, for most of the tracks- probably telling us that Arista wanted this one to be big. The second track, "far too long", a jumpy pop track with a Motown groove, features an awesome vocal performance by Robert, one that puts Perry to shame. The third song, "Southern Lights", is the album masterpiece, featuring another amazing vocal performance, showcasing his impressive range and power. It also features a nifty sax solo that segues into a simple but evocative guitar solo. Side 1 ends with 'ace in the hole', a tune analogous to Journey's 'Lady Luck"- a story about times spent in casinos- playing with the big boys and forking over big time. This tune features a number of unique hooks and riffs that seamlessly blend together. What this delete section disc reveals is how most bands today have absolutely no clue how to write a catchy song. It's a travesty that this one ended up in the delete bin. This album is worth it just for side one, and I will buy it for sure if it comes out on CD just to hear "Southern Lights". I think this was, sadly, pretty much the zenith of Robert's career, as his albums with the bands Channel and VVI, in my opinion, are really hurting.