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Jim Duncan has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Second Chapter (5/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.0)
Well, I like it...
Review written by Jim Duncan from Portsmouth, June 17th, 2006

I thought I'd write this as, um, all the press I've read about this album hasn't been that great.

My friend bought me this album when I gave him some money and told him to "surprise me". And boy did he.

At first I was disappointed, as a teenager who was blown away away by the blues rock of Peter Green's Fleetwood Mac, it took quite a while for me to get into the album.

Now I'm glad I put the effort in. I'm trying to choose a "favourite" track but how? The title track..? Cascades? It's just a great album. And that's a rare thing today.

I think people forget how good Kirwan's playing was on those Mac albums (just remember he was the one who wrote Dragon Fly. I don't think Then Play On would have been possible without him.

I've got a feeling I'm preaching to the choir, but I'm listening to Future Games at the mo' and just had to let you know, y'know.

Thank you for your time.