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James has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Out Of The Cradle (4/5.04/5.04/5.04/5.04/5.0)
A melody strickin lightweight rock album a great solo
Review written by James from Ireland, August 16th, 2004

This third solo effort of Buckinghams tells us somewhat of how he has changed since he left the Mac, although he tells us too much of his pain in this album, it really excerts some fabulous studio work and great overdubs and above all the versatility of the guitar work ranging from coundown which has a distinctive sound and then to the instrumentals i.e this is the time,and dont look down, he is really trying to tell us something altough im not sure what it is, even though he speaks in the album which is a little overkill. I say thumbs up to Out of the cradle and the amount it sold does not do him justice thats who he is.