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A.M. Pritchard has contributed 1 review to The Penguin: Everything That is Fleetwood Mac:

Go Insane (5/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.05/5.0)
Like A Message To Me From My Dad Who Has Died
Review written by A.M. Pritchard from Westchester, California USA, November 29th, 2013

I can't hold back my tears hearing, and reading the words to Mrs. Skarrotts beautiful poem. I was listening to Bare Trees on u-tube. When I heard the song 'Spare Me A Little' it reminded me of a time when my family were happy being friends with one another. I wept and placed my father's picture over my heart.
Then I heard The Poem recited on the last track, and every word rang through my soul, and I was being soothed by my dearest, dearest da - who was half British. He lived for his trees, and the spirits that he believed dwelled within all of them. I know that the profound love that we shared during the last years of his life when I was his loving caregiver will not ever end. It seems that this beautiful poem was his way of letting me know that today. After spending Thansgiving Day alone. I wish everyone could understand the meaning of gratitude that is so beautifully written in the imagery of a grey day being a day full of love for someone. I love this record. I miss my da, but I'm sure that he is with me and all that needs to be settled will be done according to Gods' divine Love. I pray also for the soul of Bob Welch.
try to love your family...