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Hearts And Dreams On The Line
    Authors »
John Stewart

    Lyrics »

And in a moment it was over, and we were left with what we might have been and what we had become

Time after time
You can read the signs
With our hearts and our dreams on the line
If someone has a light
You'd better shine it every night
With our hearts and our dreams on the line

There are soldiers in the cold
Whose spirits have been sold
With our hearts and our dreams on the line
There's nowhere left to run
For the children all have guns
With our hearts and our dreams on the line

With our hearts and our dreams on the line

Have you heard the news
There's nothing left to lose
With our hearts and our dreams on the line
And you won't feel the sting
Till you hear the Angel's wings
With our hearts and our dreams on the line

With our hearts and our dreams on the line
With our hearts and our dreams on the line
With our hearts and our dreams on the line
With our hearts and our dreams on the line

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    Performances »
Running Time 3:11
Performers John Stewart (Vocals), John Stewart (Guitars), John Stewart (Synthesizers), Dave Batti (Bass), Chuck McDermott (Vocals), Lindsey Buckingham (Vocals), Linda Ronstadt (Vocals), Dennis Kenmore (Drums)
CommentsLinda Ronstadt is credited for vocals on this track in the liner notes for the vinyl version but not in the liner notes for the CD reissue of this album.
Appears On
The Last Campaign (0000)
John Stewart

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