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John Stewart

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Date Performance 1985-00-00
Performers John Stewart (Vocals), John Stewart (Guitars), John Stewart (Synthesizers), Dave Batti (Bass), Buffy Ford Stewart (Vocals), Lindsey Buckingham (Vocals)
CommentsPart 2 of "Spirit/Survivors (Medley)". Total running time of track is 4:20 Lindsey Buckingham is credited for vocals on this track in the liner notes for the vinyl version but not in the liner notes for the CD reissue of this album.
Appears On
The Last Campaign (0000)
John Stewart

    Lyrics »

Children in Cheyenne are taught in their schools
Believe in the country, don't break any rules
But the T.V. is on and they know something's wrong
Someone must tell them to keep pushing on

Can you hear me Wyoming?
You are the country
You are the nation
You will survive
Can you hear me Wyoming?
You are the country
You are the nation
You will survive

Can you hear me Virginia?
You are the country
You are the nation
You will survive

Can you hear me Dakota?
Can you hear me in Texas?
Can you hear me Hawaii?
Can you hear me Wisconsin?
Can you hear me California?
Can you hear me Colorado?

You are the country
You are the nation
You will survive

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